Thursday, September 29, 2011

TV makes me sad.

I swear I can't watch TV for more than 10 minutes these days without getting annoyed. For instance, why does the volume on commercials always have to be twice as loud as the show itself? As soon as the commercial break starts I have to dive for the remote or risk loosing my hearing. And I'm clumsy as shit, so that dive usually results in an injury of some sort. I guess I could probably deal with it if they were at least relevant but their not, not even close. There's a Sonic commercial on like every 3 minutes, and I don't know about you but I've never even seen a Sonic. I'm starting to think they're just a myth, like unicorns and videos of Dane Cook being funny. If they do exist there sure as hell isn't one nearby, they temp us with their delicious pizza and salad only to find out they're conveniently located just 300 miles away from us. It's just uncool. The worst thing about TV is probably the reality show epidemic though. That crap has gotten way out of hand, you can find a reality show about literally everything these days. People who talk to dogs, ridiculous rich women who drink too much wine, trashy Italians who can be outsmarted by my 3 year old, and my personal favorite, D list celebrities with drug problems. I just don't get it, but kudos to television networks for finding a way to make TV even more mindless. We wouldn't want people to learn anything, if you made 'em too smart they might realize there's better thing to do than sit on their fat asses watching TV.

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