Silly things to do in Wal-Mart

1. Start a food fight.

2. Open a bed set, lay it out on the floor and pretend to nap.

3. Ask employees where the herpes cream is.

4. Walk super slow when people are behind you (if they try to go around you spread your arms and legs apart.)

5. Dress the mannequins in inappropriate outfits.

6. Ride those sweeeet electric shopping carts and yell "Charge!" when driving towards people.

7. Put condoms on layaway.

8. Go to toy section, put on Spiderman dress up attire, act like Spiderman.

9. Write 'boobs' on all the calculators

10. Find an employee vest, and 'assist' customers.

11. Make up a product with a silly name and ask employees for it, act angry and astonished when they don't know what you're talking about.

12. Put a '$5 to Enter' sign outside.

13. Rearrange as many things as you can.

14. 3 words: Hide and Seek

15. Ride a bicycle through the store.

16. Repeat 15 using a scooter.

17. Say "Wow, that was a big mouse." loudly in the grocery section.

18. Hug a random customer and tell them how nice it is to see them because it's been soooo long.

19. Say as loud as you can "Why do people buy this crap?"

20. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 1 minute intervals.

If any of you dare to do ALL of these things I will personally buy you a beer.