Thursday, December 22, 2011

Did you trade your brain for peanut M&Ms and a BJ?

    So many of the decisions people make leave me speechless, well actually that's not true. They make me rant uncontrollably but we won't pick at straws. I really don't understand what goes through people's minds most of the time. I'm starting to think the government is putting something in the water to dumb us down, after all, the dumber we are the less likely we are to notice what fuck ups they are. I've just now decided to live under the assumption that this is true, it's easier to accept than the fact the our entire species is evolving into walking, talking douchebags.
    One major annoyance of mine has always been trendy words and the hipster jackasses that use them. These morons have taken it a step further though and started naming their children with trendy, bullshit words. A kid I know knocked up his girlfriend and they recently found out they're having a girl, goodie for them. I asked the normal question of "have you guys picked a name?" I got an amazing answer, Amerida. Amerida? Really? What the fuck does that even mean? To me it sounds like what America would sound like if someone with down syndrome said it. I mean, why not just give her a shitty hair cut and dress her poorly if you want her to come home crying from school?
    Another fantastic decision people make are the things they decide to tattoo on themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love tattoos, even have a few myself. However, you guys really need to put a little more thought into what you're putting on your bodies for eternity. I've found that 1 out of 5 men has their last name tattooed on them. Why is this? Do you often forget your name from too many blows to the head and need this as a reminder or do you just like looking like a tool? I'm gonna go with both. I think tattoos should have meaning, like the tramp stamp, it means 'I'm an easy slut.' therefore it falls into the acceptable tattoo category. What isn't acceptable is the guy I saw at the grocery store with a Bud Light can tattooed on this throat. It took every bit of self control I had to not point and laugh at this guy. I probably wouldn't have resisted but, if he was irrational enough to put a beer can on his throat forever then he probably wouldn't hesitate to beat me to death with the can of spam in his basket and I prefer to live. Even if it means living around mindless schmucks.

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