Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scary movies.

Ok, so don't get me wrong I love a good scary movie as much the next guy. However, I don't understand them sometimes. It seems like when given two options the chicks in scary movies will always make the poor one. Like when they're running away from the killer and the door won't open so they run upstairs. Now, I'm no genius but what the hell are you going to do upstairs? I'm pretty sure there was a perfectly good window you coulda jumped through, but now your stupid ass is upstairs. What ya gonna do now? Hide under the bed? We all know how that one ends. You could always jump out the window (I bet you wish you'd done that from the first floor now.) Too late now, at this point you'll have to resort to sexual favors to stay alive, have fun with that. My personal favorite though is when the killer is on the loose, the chick is home alone, the lights go out and she hears a loud noise. Bitch is scared, but instead of getting the eff out of the house she makes an amazing decision.. "Hello, is someone there?" Seriously? What did you expect to accomplish with this? Did you think he was just gonna be like "Hey, I'm in the kitchen. Want me to make you a sandwich?" Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't think I'm asking for much with scary movies, I just want them to be a little less predictable. Let the girl who flashes her boobs come out on top for once, she doesn't always have to get stabbed to death. I say we bring back the element of surprise. Change things up a bit, worst that happens is we end up with yet another bad horror movie.

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