Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Facebook friends suck.

Soooo I'm not gonna lie, I'm a computer junkie. But hell, it's better than being a regular junkie right? Now, my addiction obviously causes me to see all sorts of things on the internet, and man don't most of those things piss me off. Especially the crap you see on Facebook. For instance if I see one more girl throw up her fingers and make that stupid duck face I'm gonna lose it. If you're one of those girls, please, I beg you to stop it. I mean you're actually kinda pretty but when you make that face you look like you belong in an Aflac commercial. Don't feel bad though girls, men have their own special photo that annoys me as well. The car profile picture. This photo is reserved for that special kind of jackass who knows he's so unappealing that the only way he's gonna interest a girl is to show off his car. When I encounter this guy I only have one thing to say "Whoa dude, I didn't realize you were a Transformer!" That always makes them angry. But, my favorite thing about these guys is that their cars are never actually impressive. It's always an old rusted out Trans Am with a different colored door and an oil leak. There's also that guy who takes it a step further, you know the guy I mean. I'm talking about the guy who takes his picture with his car, he's always sitting on the hood with his arms crossed and that 'damn I'm cool' look on his face. Let me just tell you now buddy, that pose wasn't cool 10 years ago when you did for your senior picture and it's not cool now so please just stand there and smile for your picture like everyone else. Now what...Reposters, I can't believe I almost forgot about reposters they're quite possibly the worst. "If you're against cancer and have lost someone you love then please put this on your status for 1 hour." Really? Are there actually people out there who are FOR cancer? I kinda figured my dislike for cancer was implied based on the fact I'm not Satan. We also have those people who are convinced that Facebook is going to start charging us, "Go to account settings, and click blah, blah, blah until Mark Zuckerberg pops up on your screen and agrees not to financially rape you." I'm sorry but have you people never read your login screen? Facebook's whole motto is 'free and always will be,' aside from that, you don't find it strange that every 6 months or so "Facebook is going to start charging us" yet it never happens. No of course you didn't, you're so freaked out you might have to pay that you don't even stop to think for a second. Lastly, I dislike over-sharers, we all know these people, some of you are these people. I know Facebook is all about sharing things with the folks in your life, however that doesn't mean you're obligated to share everything. We don't need to know that the burrito you had for lunch went right through you, or that your ex gave you herpes. Sometime less is in fact more. So please everyone, think before you post.   ...Oh, and one more thing, stop posting stuff about your cat. No one cares about your cat. Hell, I don't even care about my cat, why would I care about yours?

1 comment:

  1. Have you actually SEEN someone post that their ex gave them herpes?! Who the hell posts that!? Definitely not a golden moment in anyone's life lol.. let's put it on facebook HAHA
